Get Vaccinated, #ForTheLoveOfLIVE

#FasterTogether is a coalition of the willing that includes major industry and sector organizations, businesses and individuals who want to help get Canadians back together, faster.

OTTAWA ON – June 10, 2021 – As more Canadians across the country receive their first vaccine doses, a portion of the population remains hesitant. The Canadian Live Music Association (CLMA) has been leading the charge for the music industry alongside leadership organizations across many sectors to promote COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and help accelerate a recovery from this pandemic. 


#FasterTogether is a campaign to encourage uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations and get our sector back to work, faster. You've shared your memories, written letters to government officials, and now it's time to get vaccinated. Let us band together and remind all Canadians that full vaccination means a quicker road to live concerts, festivals, travel, gatherings, and hugs. We are asking industry, fans, and allies across the country to help us lead and inspire others to get involved in the #FasterTogether campaign, and get our artists, production crews, agents, and venues back to doing what they do best. The more we can amplify, the brighter our future will be!

Access the CLMA's #FasterTogether toolkit HERE.


• Download the CLMA #FasterTogether digital toolkit to help spread the word!

• Nominate 3 fellow live music colleagues/friends to get vaccinated using the #FasterTogether and #ForTheLoveOfLIVE hashtags

• Follow us on socials and tag us with #FasterTogether and #ForTheLoveOfLIVE.


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